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Sanofi è un'azienda della salute, innovativa e globale guidata da una ragion d’essere precisa: sfidare i confini della scienza per migliorare la vita delle persone.

Nei suoi 50 anni di storia, Sanofi ha sviluppato i primi trattamenti per molte malattie rare così come farmaci per il diabete e le malattie cardiovascolari che oggi rappresentano lo standard di cura. Il suo impegno nei confronti della salute pubblica ha protetto milioni di persone dall'influenza, ogni anno, per decenni e ha aiutato ad eradicare la polio. Una visione distintiva della ricerca che ha portato a innovazioni rivoluzionarie nel trattamento delle malattie infiammatorie e che guarda al futuro con l’ambizione di affermare Sanofi azienda leader nell’immunologia.

Presenti in 90 Paesi con 91.000 collaboratori, forniamo le nostre soluzioni di salute a ben 180 mercati. Contiamo 59 stabilimenti produttivi e 20 siti di ricerca.

Per il suo ruolo industriale, Sanofi Italia è la seconda filiale in Europa dopo la Francia. Con oltre 1.800 dipendenti - di cui più della metà occupati nel comparto industriale - e tre stabilimenti produttivi a Origgio (VA), Anagni (FR) e Scoppito (AQ) Sanofi è una delle principali aziende farmaceutiche nel nostro Paese. 

Production Internship
Array ( [id] => 1327 [azienda_id] => 236 [lauree] => {null} [settore] => [ruolo] => [inserimento] => [time_c] => 0 [last_mod] => 1741621805 [title] => Production Internship [body] =>

 Sterile Production Intern

Anagni (Frosinone), Italy

About the job

Vuoi iniziare la tua carriera nel mondo HealthCare? Unisciti a Sanofi e avrai l’opportunità di crescere e sviluppare le tue competenze sotto il coordinamento di stimolanti colleghi, contribuendo a fare la differenza nella vita di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo. Come tirocinante all’interno del reparto di Produzione Sterile, avrai l’opportunità di imparare a gestire i documenti di produzione e ti interfaccerai con i tanti colleghi, avendo modo di comprendere i processi produttivi farmaceutici e di sviluppare le tue capacità organizzative e relazionali.

Siamo un'azienda della salute, innovativa e globale, e siamo guidati da uno scopo: sfidare i confini della scienza per migliorare la vita delle persone. Lavorare in Sanofi significa appassionarsi al proprio lavoro, crescere di giorno in giorno esplorando tra innumerevoli opportunità, costruire stimolanti relazioni e superare i limiti di ciò che pensavi fosse possibile. Ready to get started?

Le attività che seguirai con il tuo team

  • Affiancherai i responsabili di reparto nella gestione degli aggiornamenti della documentazione dei Master dei lotti di produzione in riferimento ai requisiti normativi in continuo aggiornamento

  • Supperterai l’attività in campo di rilevazione dei dati dai Batch Record e poi li riportarli all'interno di file appositi

  • Supporterai la valutazione dei trend degli IPC dei prodotti sterili

  • Preparerai presentazioni Powerpoint in merito ai dati rilevati

  • Elaborerai file Excel, inserendo i dati, creando grafici e facendo calcoli e analisi

Chi cerchiamo

  • Laurea scientifica (Farmacia, CTF, Biotecnologie etc)

  • Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese

  • Buona conoscenza del pacchetto office, in particolare excel

  • E' importante la capacità di collaborazione per interfacciarsi con molti dipartimenti

  • Automunito/a (il sito produttivo è raggiungibile solo con mezzi propri)

Perché Sanofi?

  • Dai vita ai miracoli della scienza entrando a far parte di un team coinvolgente e orientato al futuro

  • Inizia il tuo percorso professionale sotto il coordinamento di un tutor qualificato che stimolerà la tua crescita professionale e ti aiuterà a muovere i tuoi primi passi nel mondo del lavoro

  • Lo stage è svolto in presenza

  • Ti offriamo un’opportunità di tirocinio di 6 mesi. È previsto un rimborso spese e accesso gratuito alla mensa aziendale.


Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary.

Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together.

At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity.



[short_desc] => [type_candidatura] => 0 [affiliate] => 0 [url] => [visite] => 0 [status] => 1 [livello_istruzione] => 0 [time] => 1741086111 [place_id] => 0 [cords] => [url_rewrite] => production-internship [email_object] => [email_address] => [codice] => [visibility_start] => 0 [visibility_end] => 0 [category_start] => 0 [category_end] => 0 [category_position] => 0 [label_button] => [contratto] => [nazione_id] => [regione_id] => [provincia_id] => [cp_name] => [cp_link] => [cp_logo] => array( 0 => '9424174108617712.jpg'); [custom_location] => [candidatura_number] => 0 [user_status] => [anno] => 20 [areastudio] => {5}{6} [custom_area_studio] => Laurea scientifica (Farmacia, CTF, Biotecnologie etc) [apply] => 1 [english] => 0 )
Marketing Internship
Array ( [id] => 1326 [azienda_id] => 236 [lauree] => {null} [settore] => [ruolo] => [inserimento] => [time_c] => 0 [last_mod] => 1741085906 [title] => Marketing Internship [body] =>

Marketing Intern
Milan, Italy

About the job

Looking to launch your career at the cutting edge of healthcare? Join Sanofi for a chance to develop with mentoring and guidance from inspirational leaders while helping to make an impact on the lives of countless people worldwide. As Marketing Intern, you’ll be part of an inspiring pre-launch readiness team and you’ll learn to manage marketing activities related to ongoing projects with a special focus on Neurology and Multiple Sclerosis.

We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world.

You will be involved in the following activities

  • Collaborate in creating and implementing an omnichannel communication plan and promotional materials, collaborating with external agencies

  • Support in organizing scientific events, internal meetings and national/international congress sponsorships

  • Help manage, update, redesign and develop websites in line with our promotional strategy

  • Collaborate with Omnichannel teams and agencies to ensure effective execution of customer engagement initiatives

  • Contribute to specific marketing projects and initiatives

  • Monitor performance and gather insights to drive business growth

About you

  • Master’s degree in Scientific Field (Pharmacy, Biotecnology etc)

  • Master in Marketing or Pharmaceutical Management is a plus

  • Fluent English (minimum level: B2)

  • Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint

  • Strong teamwork and organizational skills

  • Attitude in digital/social network skills and analytics

Why choose us?

  • Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.

  • Start your career with inspiring mentors who will help you take your first professional steps.

  • You will have the possibility to carry out the internship in a hybrid mode.

  • We offer an internship lasting 6 months. Competitive monthly compensation and meal vouchers will be provided.


Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary.

Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together.

At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity.



[short_desc] => [type_candidatura] => 0 [affiliate] => 0 [url] => [visite] => 0 [status] => 1 [livello_istruzione] => 0 [time] => 1741085879 [place_id] => 0 [cords] => [url_rewrite] => marketing-internship [email_object] => [email_address] => [codice] => [visibility_start] => 0 [visibility_end] => 0 [category_start] => 0 [category_end] => 0 [category_position] => 0 [label_button] => [contratto] => [nazione_id] => [regione_id] => [provincia_id] => [cp_name] => [cp_link] => [cp_logo] => array( 0 => '89174108587496.jpg'); [custom_location] => [candidatura_number] => 0 [user_status] => [anno] => 20 [areastudio] => {5}{6} [custom_area_studio] => Master’s degree in Scientific Field (Pharmacy, Biotecnology etc) [apply] => 1 [english] => 0 )
Marketing Internship
Array ( [id] => 1325 [azienda_id] => 236 [lauree] => {null} [settore] => [ruolo] => [inserimento] => [time_c] => 0 [last_mod] => 1741085739 [title] => Marketing Internship [body] =>

Marketing Intern
Milan, Italy

About the job

Looking to launch your career at the cutting edge of healthcare? Join Sanofi for a chance to develop with mentoring and guidance from inspirational leaders while helping to make an impact on the lives of countless people worldwide. As Marketing Intern, you’ll be part of an inspiring team and you’ll learn to manage marketing activities related to ongoing projects with a focus on the cardiometabolic therapeutic area.

We are an innovative global healthcare company with a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicine. Across different countries, our talented teams are determined to deliver a best-in-class customer experience using the best of digital, artificial intelligence and personal know-how. With a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicines, we pursue progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world.

You will be involved in the following activities

  • Collaborate in creating and implementing an omnichannel communication plan and promotional materials, collaborating with internal crossfunctional team (e.g., medical, regulatory, sales) and external agencies

  • Assist in the planning and execution of digital marketing campaigns, including email campaigns and social media strategies

  • Monitor and report on Communication and Customer engagement key performance indicators (KPI) through dedicated tool (CRM, AI) and market researches

  • Assist in the development and implementation of marketing plans: scientific events, national/international congress sponsorships

  • Support in organizing internal meeting, including presentations and training materials

About you

  • Master’s degree in Scientific Field (Pharmacy, Biotecnology etc)

  • Master in Marketing or Pharmaceutical Management

  • Fluent English (minimum level: B2)

  • Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint

  • Strong teamwork and organizational skills

Why choose us?

  • Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.

  • Start your career with inspiring mentors who will help you take your first professional steps.

  • You will have the possibility to carry out the internship in a hybrid mode.

  • We offer an internship lasting 6 months. Competitive monthly compensation and meal vouchers will be provided.

Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary.

Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together.

At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity.



[short_desc] => [type_candidatura] => 0 [affiliate] => 0 [url] => [visite] => 0 [status] => 1 [livello_istruzione] => 0 [time] => 1741085723 [place_id] => 0 [cords] => [url_rewrite] => marketing-internship [email_object] => [email_address] => [codice] => [visibility_start] => 0 [visibility_end] => 0 [category_start] => 0 [category_end] => 0 [category_position] => 0 [label_button] => [contratto] => [nazione_id] => [regione_id] => [provincia_id] => [cp_name] => [cp_link] => [cp_logo] => array( 0 => '3306174108573691.jpg'); [custom_location] => [candidatura_number] => 0 [user_status] => [anno] => 20 [areastudio] => {5}{6} [custom_area_studio] => Master’s degree in Scientific Field (Pharmacy, Biotecnology etc) [apply] => 1 [english] => 0 )
Medical Affairs Internship
Array ( [id] => 1324 [azienda_id] => 236 [lauree] => {null} [settore] => [ruolo] => [inserimento] => [time_c] => 0 [last_mod] => 1741085545 [title] => Medical Affairs Internship [body] =>

Medical Affairs Intern

Milan, Italy

About the job

Looking to launch your career at the cutting edge of healthcare? Join Sanofi for a chance to develop with mentoring and guidance from inspirational leaders while helping to make an impact on the lives of countless people worldwide. As Medical Affairs Intern, you’ll be part of a highly specialized team and you’ll learn to manage scientific activities related to ongoing projects in Medical Affairs, with a focus on Managed Access Programs (compassionate use) and Clinical Studies.

We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started?

You will be involved in the following activities

  • Assist in managing Managed Access Programs (compassionate use), ensuring their timely approval and execution, drafting reports, and archiving related documentation

  • Support the management of local studies (Phase IV, observational studies, registries, Real World Data Generation)

  • Learn to manage clinical studies, overseeing planning, execution, reporting, and archiving

  • Contribute to the management and implementation of activities related to the collection of evidence and data (data mining) from various databases, useful for publication or inclusion in regulatory dossiers

  • Participate in preparing training sessions for colleagues from other departments

About you

  • Master’s degree in Medicine, Pharmacy, Biotecnology or related fields

  • Fluent English (level B2+ or higher)

  • Good knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint

  • Accuracy and organizational skills, team working

Why choose us?

  • Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.

  • Start your career with inspiring mentors who will help you take your first professional steps.

  • You will have the possibility to carry out the internship in a hybrid mode.

  • We offer an internship lasting 6 months. Competitive monthly compensation and meal vouchers will be provided.

Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary.

Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together.

At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity.



[short_desc] => [type_candidatura] => 0 [affiliate] => 0 [url] => [visite] => 0 [status] => 1 [livello_istruzione] => 0 [time] => 1741085459 [place_id] => 0 [cords] => [url_rewrite] => medical-affairs-internship [email_object] => [email_address] => [codice] => [visibility_start] => 0 [visibility_end] => 0 [category_start] => 0 [category_end] => 0 [category_position] => 0 [label_button] => [contratto] => [nazione_id] => [regione_id] => [provincia_id] => [cp_name] => [cp_link] => [cp_logo] => array( 0 => '8774174108554125.jpg'); [custom_location] => [candidatura_number] => 0 [user_status] => [anno] => 20 [areastudio] => {5}{10}{6} [custom_area_studio] => Master’s degree in Medicine, Pharmacy, Biotecnology or related fields [apply] => 1 [english] => 0 )

